This is a site cataloguing all available information about Volks' Full Choice System. All options and available parts are listed, with as many photographs as possible, as well as any useful information that might be of note to anyone thinking to order a FCS.
While SD fans who live near Volks stores in Japan, Korea and America have the luxury of being able to go in and choose for themselves, other fans do not, and shopping services do not always have the time to find out all available parts. The end result is this site, in order to fill that void.
All information regarding available parts is current as of November 2009, however, occasionally Volks makes additions to their FCS options. If you have more recent information regarding available options, please email it to seraphim@angelden.net. Thank you! (^o^)
Please Note: anything marked as 'Sato Only' on the FCS pages is only available to be ordered at Volks' Tenshi No Sato location in Kyoto, Japan. These options can not be ordered at Volks' normal Tenshi no Sumika stores. (This includes the Korean and LA stores - they are normal Sumikas!) Please confirm that your shopping service can get Sato-only options before you choose them -- there are very few that can.
(Additionally, please note that Sunlight Skintone, as well as the F-29, F-30 and F-31 SD heads, are also available at the LA Sumika. In addition, MSD F-16 and F-17, and SD F-19, F-24 and F-25 are available at Tenshi no Mado in Harajuku. These are the only 'Sato Only' options that are available at non-Sato locations.)
Please Note: I do not sell or order dolls! Please stop emailing me to buy them! Thank you.
All pictures on this site are © their owners. Super Dollfie are © Volks.
This site is intended as an informational resource only.
If you wish your pictures removed, please email me, I will do so without delay.
If you wish your pictures correctly credited, also please email me.

This site is intended as an informational resource only.
If you wish your pictures removed, please email me, I will do so without delay.
If you wish your pictures correctly credited, also please email me.

Update, Sep 2012:
Thank you for your patience while we were away. All head mold info up to the most recent releases have been added to MSD and SD pages, including headmolds being made available for order tomorrow (Sep 23rd). The SD Graffiti FCS has also been added. Please note that this entire FCS category is Sato Only. Finally, I have added the new SD13B/SDGr hand parts H-07 to H-11. If you have any info about wigs, Omukae outfits, eyes, or anything else that has been released since September 2010, please let me know! (I will also catch up on email submission as soon as I can. I started with Volks official pics first.)
One more thing: Volks' new Tenshi no Mado location (in Harajuku) appears to be a Sumika for most FCS purposes, however it does have some Sato-only headmolds. If you have any info about anything else that is exclusive to Mado FCS, please let me know!!
Update, Sep 2010:
Please Note: it has been confirmed with the Tenshi-no-Sato staff that the original samples they received of the new Zoukeimura colours GE-28 and GE-29 were incorrect samples. The correct colours for these eyes are as the original pictures published, and Tenshi-no-Sato now has correct samples to match this.
The eye colour pages have been updated to reflect this information; if you are considering GE-28 or GE-29, please reconfirm the colour that you are looking at!
However, apparently some early orders received incorrect colours that were similar to the incorrect samples. As a result, there are some eyes out there labeled "GE-28" that are the same colour as "GE-29", and some eyes labeled "GE-29" that are a colour that is no longer available. Please keep this in mind when purchasing secondhand.
Update, Nov 2009:
The Sumika FCS has been renewed once again at the Tenshi no Sumika fair held on September 21st, 2009, and the following changes were made, effective of that date. These changes were also made at Volks Korea on the same date, and at Volks LA on November 15th.
The following items have been added to the Sumika FCS:
- MSD Head: F-19 (previously Sato-only), F-25 (Myu Sweet Dream)
- SD Heads: F-41 (Mark), F-42 (Elena)
- Omukae Outfits: previously Sato-only Japanese style outfits in all sizes
- Wigs
- Hand Parts
- Feet Parts
- Ears (for heads that take ears only)
In addition, the following items have been discontinued, and are no longer available at any Tenshi no Sumika (including Volks Korea and Volks LA). They are currently only available at Sato.
- MSD Head: F-11 (Nasha type)
- SD Heads: F-02 (old F-04 type), F-06 (old F-09/Licht/Leona type)
- Zoukeimura Glass Eye Colors: GE-04 (Light Green), GE-15 (Neodymium), GE-16 (Dark Orange), GE-18 (Light Orange), GE-24 (Baby Pink)
The Sato FCS was renewed on October 4th, 2009, and the above mentioned additions -- the new heads, and the ability to order extra parts -- were added. In addition, the following Sato only options were added:
- MSD Head: F-26
- SD Head: F-43
- Bodies: Seirei 'girl' body, Seirei 'boy' body
- Hand Parts: SD H-12 (Yugiri default), SD13 Boy H-06 (Sakaki default)
- Zoukeimura Glass Eye Colors: GE-28 (Pine Needle Green), GE-29 (Light Pine Needle Green)
The Sato FCS is then being renewed once again on December 23rd, 2009. The following options will be added:
- MSD Head: F-27
- SD Head: F-44
- Zoukeimura Glass Eye Colors: GE-30 (Amber), GE-31 (Lilac), GE-32 (Violet Wisteria)
- Wigs: W-129N (MSD size), W-127 (SD size), W-124D (DD size)
- Omukae Outfits: new Sato only 'Milky Tea' outfits in all sizes
- MSD Heads: F-10 (Sato only), F-11 (Nasha type), F-15 (Sato only)
- SD Heads: F-02 (old F-04 type), F-06 (old F-09/Licht/Leona type), F-18 (Sato only)
- Zoukeimura Glass Eye Colors: GE-04 (Light Green), GE-15 (Neodymium), GE-16 (Dark Orange), GE-18 (Light Orange), GE-24 (Baby Pink)
~Log of Previous Full Choice System Updates~
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This site maintained by Seraphim.
All pictures on this site are © their owners.
Super Dollfie are © Volks.
This site is intended as an informational resource only.
All pictures on this site are © their owners.
Super Dollfie are © Volks.
This site is intended as an informational resource only.