Wishing it was easier to find Volks stores in Japan? Then you've come to the right place! (^_^)
Pick the store you want to visit from the following:
(P.S. opening hours at bottom of this page!)
Note: All Volks stores are worth visiting, but the ones marked highly recommended are the best, in my opinion;
thus, if your time in Tokyo is limited, these are the ones to make sure you get to!
Akihabara Showroom / Tenshi no Sumika
Highly recommended.
Showroom -- 1/6 dolls, model kits, toys, Dollfie Dream, etc.
Sumika -- devoted to Super Dollfie.
Harajuku Showroom / Tenshi no Sumika
Highly recommended.
Showroom -- 1/6 dolls, model kits, toys, Dollfie Dream, etc.
Sumika -- devoted to Super Dollfie.
Ikebukuro Showroom
Showroom -- 1/6 dolls, model kits, toys, etc, with section devoted to Super Dollfie and Dollfie Dream.
Shinjuku Tenshi no Sumika
Highly recommended.
Sumika only -- devoted to Super Dollfie and Dollfie Dream.
Ginza Tenshi no Sumika
Sumika only -- devoted to Super Dollfie and Dollfie Dream.
Note: the Ginza Sumika has now closed.
As such, I have removed the photoguide.
Shinjuku Showroom
Showroom -- 1/6 dolls, model kits, toys, etc, with section devoted to Super Dollfie and Dollfie Dream.
Note: as of June 28th, 2009, the Shinjuku Showroom has closed down.
As such, I have removed the photoguide.
Tenshi no Sato
Special Volks location, devoted to Super Dollfie.
Includes store, museum, gardens, cafe and more.
Nagoya Showroom / Tenshi no Sumika
Photoguide by Dynamint, used with permission.
Showroom -- 1/6 dolls, model kits, toys, Dollfie Dream, etc.
Sumika -- devoted to Super Dollfie.
Osaka Showroom / Tenshi no Sumika
Photoguide by Dezarii, used with permission.
Showroom -- 1/6 dolls, model kits, toys, Dollfie Dream, etc.
Sumika -- devoted to Super Dollfie.
Fukuoka Showroom / Tenshi no Sumika
Photoguide by Tereya Chan, used with permission.
Showroom -- 1/6 dolls, model kits, toys, Dollfie Dream, etc.
Sumika -- devoted to Super Dollfie.
Opening hours for all the stores! Make sure that they're open on the day you want to visit! (^_^)
A few things you might want to keep in mind when you visit! (^_^)
Note: If you would like to submit a photo guide to a store not listed here,
please feel free to email the pictures and text to seraphim@angelden.net
and I will include it here with full credit to you! Thank you!