Mika Character Expo '04 Ver.
Name: Mika Character Expo '04 Ver. (���� �L������04 Ver.)Released: Character Expo '04 (17th~28th December, 2003)
Sculpt Design: Zoukeimura
Doll Design: MIKEY
Outfit Design: Kaori Saitou
Price: 55,000yen (57,750yen with tax)
Eyes: HG Glass Eyes / Light Violet / 16mm
Makeup: Zoukeimura Airbrush Makeup
Wig: Side Braid Long / Cream
Body: MSD Girl Body / Old Resin / Beauty White Skintone
'jumperskirt' dress, black turtleneck, black over-knee socks, black shoes
Status: sold out
Mika is the same headmold as LE Ken, and the standard models Ken and Mika. The FCS number for this headmold is F-02.
This version of Mika is one of the very few MSD released with 'beauty white' skintone. She was limited to 45 only. Lottery entries were accepted for her from December 19th to 24th of the Expo, and on the 25th the winners were decided.
Official Links: Superdollfie.net Profile
Atziluth Database: Search for Mika
Den of Angels: MSD Ken/Mika Database Listing
FCS Database: MSD F-02 Info
Yahoo! Japan Auctions: Search for Mika Character Expo '04 Ver.