Where Angels Lie

Myu (pureskin)

Name: Myu (ƒ~ƒ…ƒE)
Released: Dolpa 12 (5th December, 2004)
Sculpt Design: Zoukeimura
Price: 29,800yen (31,290yen with tax)
Eyes: Acrylic Eyes / Cobalt / 16mm
Wig: W-08N / Waffle / Ivory
Body: MSD Girl Body / Pureskin / Normal Skintone
Outfit: Clothes not included.

Status: discontinued

Myu is the same headmold as Sakura and Magie, and the LE models Elza, Asami and Sundy. The FCS number for this headmold is F-01.
Myu is sold as a kit version that must be assembled and given a faceup by the owner. Volks will assemble Myu and give her a faceup for you for a small fee.

This version of Mika was discontinued as of September 2008 and is no longer sold by Volks. You can now buy the 2010 Renewal Version instead.

Official Links: 

Volks.co.jp Listing
Superdollfie.net Profile
VolksUSA.com Listing

Atziluth Database: Search for Myu
Den of Angels: Maggie/Myu/Sakura Database Listing

FCS Database: MSD F-01 Info

Yahoo! Japan Auctions: Search for Myu

"Myu", who has captived countless people with her tender smile.

At long last, at Dolpa 12, she makes her new debut, this time with the charm of the new version body.

It's your chance to at last greet your favourite girl!