Where Angels Lie


Name: Yuuto (‚䂤‚Æ)
Released: Tenshi no Sumika Standard Fair 2010 (18th September, 2010)
Sculpt Design: Zoukeimura
Price: 33,000yen (34,650yen with tax)
Eyes: Acrylic Eyes / SD-06 Dark Gray / 16mm
Wig: W-129N / Cool Short Shaggy / M33/12 Rich Brown
Body: MSD Boy Body / L-01 Legs / Pureskin / UV Protect / Normal Skintone / KIPS
Outfit: Clothes not included.

Status: available

Yuuto is the same headmold as FCS headmold F-19.
Yuuto is sold as a kit version that must be assembled and given a faceup by the owner. Volks will assemble Yuuto and give him a faceup for you for a small fee via their Satogaeri service.
Yuuto and Mire were released as a part of the Sumika Standard Fair 2010. They are the first Volks standards that have been released using heads that were previously FCS-only heads. The faceup shown in the pictures is the 'default' faceup you will receive if you choose to use Volks' Satogaeri service.

Official Links: 

Volks.co.jp Listing
VolksUSA Listing

Resinality: Perfect Choice - FCS Database
Atziluth Database: Search for Yuuto
Den of Angels: MSD F19 FCS Database

FCS Database: MSD F-19 Info

Yahoo! Japan Auctions: Search for Yuuto
