Hey, Charlotte...
You know, yesterday, I had a dream about going outside.
One day I'd love to take my favorite hat...
And go to that park, just to see...
That's lovely, Lieselotte.
Only, move away from the window, won't you?
You'll catch cold again.
My dearest Lieselotte...
I can't even bear the worry that I might lose you.
Harajuku, that place of memories.
These girls have not yet left their traces there, in that park, or on that street corner, but...
With their longing, their dreams are growing.
Name: Lieselotte (リーゼロッテ)Released: Hometown Dolpa Osaka 6 (1st August, 2010)
Sculpt Design: Zoukeimura
Doll Design: Ciera
Price: 88,000yen (92,400yen with tax)
Eyes: HG Glass Eyes / Green / 20mm
Makeup: Zoukeimura Airbrush Makeup / UV Coated
Wig: Lieselotte Original Wig / Mixed Colour / DD size
Body: SD Girl Body / H-02 Hands / Pureskin / UV Protect / White Skintone
'BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT Gingham Check Doll Dress Coordinate Dress Set': christina hat, gingham check doll dress, drawers, petticoat, lace high socks with ribbons, honey cross shoes
Status: sold out
Lieselotte is a collaboration doll done with popular fashion label BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT.
In addition to being sold at Dolpa and the After Event, both Lieselotte and Charlotte were also available to pre-order in limited numbers from BTSSB stores throughout Japan. A limited number were also offered to attendees of the 'Red Sky At Night' event held at the BTSSB San Francisco store in late July.
Lieselotte's dress is a recreation in SD size of the human sized BTSSB Gingham Check Doll Dress outfit set. A SD version of this outfit was first released in 2002 for Kira x Baby, The Stars Shine Bright, Volks' first collaboration with BTSSB. The entire outfit was recreated anew and with more detail for Lieselotte's release, including much more detailed red shoes. The human-sized outfit set was rereleased and offered via BTSSB stores to commemorate the collaboration.
Although there was much speculation between fans, Volks confirmed that Lieselotte and Charlotte are different headmolds and are both new headmolds.
Lieselotte is a part of the 'Harajuku Memories' story arc along with Hewitt, Tony, Kurumi, Luna, Rose, Bianka, Yui Sweet Dream, Ran and Charlotte.
Official Links:
Dolpa Site Listing
SuperDollfie.net Listing
VolksUSA Listing
Resinality: Harajuku Memories
Atziluth Database: Search for Lieselotte
Den of Angels: -
Yahoo! Japan Auctions: Search for Lieselotte