Where Angels Lie


Name: Kohya (r)
Released: Dolpa 12 (5th December, 2004)
Sculpt Design: Zoukeimura
Doll Design: K. Mayura
Outfit Design: Kuromameya
Price: 88,000yen (92,400yen with tax)
Eyes: HG Metallic Acrylic Eyes / Night Purple / 14mm
Makeup: Zoukeimura Airbrush Makeup
Wig: Kohya Original Wig / Silver & Pearl White Mix
Body: SD13 Boy Body / Long Legs / Pureskin / Beauty White Skintone

black jumpsuit with red piping, black boots, sunglasses

Status: sold out

Kohya is the same headmold as Tohya, except that Tohya is normal skintone rather than beauty white.
Kohya can also be written as Kouya.
Kohya is made with the limited edition pureskin beauty white skintone. This skintone has only been used for a very few limited edition models, and is not available regularly. It has a more yellowish undertone to it than the regular 'white' skintone available via FCS.

Official Links: 

Volks.co.jp Listing
Superdollfie.net Profile

Den of Angels: Kohya Database Listing

Yahoo! Japan Auctions: Search for Kohya

Yeah, you can call me a phantom thief if you want.
But truthfully, I'm still a bit of a novice.
The one making these exaggerations, he's not "Tohya", but "Kohya".
A black shadow darting through the city's night skies.
Tonight, we'll be stopping by his place, too.