Where Angels Lie

Lucas Sweet Dream (Korean Dolpa)

Name: Lucas Sweet Dream (Korean Dolpa) (ルカスウィートドリーム(ドルパ韓国))
Released: Dolpa in Seoul 2 (21st December, 2003)
Sculpt Design: Zoukeimura
Makeup Design: Kyon
Outfit Design: Lui-Même
Price: 90,000yen
Eyes: HG Glass Eyes / Lavender with Black Line / 18mm
Makeup: Zoukeimura Airbrush Makeup
Wig: Lucas Original Wig A / Mixed Light Brown
Eyelashes: Auburn
Body: SD13 Boy Body / Pureskin / Normal Skintone

white zip shirt, grey scarf, striped pants, purple hat, red shoes

Status: sold out

Although the Dolpa 10 release of Lucas Sweet Dream was released with the original pureskin old knees body, the Korean Dolpa version came with the new, improved 'real knees' version.

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A new waking, together with you... at Dolpa 10, a chance encounter that Sweet Dream Lucas dreams of!
It's Christmas holidays at boarding school, too. While traveling on the train, Lucas was chatting happily with Chris and their friends until just a little while ago, but unnoticed he slipped into a dream... Looking at Lucas who seems to be sleeping so happily, waking him seems too cruel; rather, just watch over his tenderly sleeping face. Now, he is traveling within a dream so that he may have a chance to meet with you.