My name is "Sakaki".
From time immemorial, we the "Sakaki" family have purified, protected, and calmed the grounds of this royal castle.
And now, at the decree of the Mother Dollfie, in the spring month of March, I am being permitted to materialise above ground in the form of an SD.
I come as a messenger to protect the newborn Tenshi, and to lift up my prayers for their owners.
"Sakaki" reborn.
Thank you for your patience.
A chance has come around for the spirit of the old tree at Sato to once again be delivered unto you.
This time, we pray that Sakaki will come to be yours, through your divine protection.
SeiRei Sakaki
Name: SeiRei Sakaki (E)Released: Tenshi no Sato 4th Anniversary Fair (15th~17th March, 2008)
Sculpt Design: Zoukeimura
Price: 74,000yen (77,700yen with tax)
Eyes: HG Glass Eyes / Smoke Olive with Black Line / 18mm
Makeup: Zoukeimura Airbrush Makeup / UV Coated
Wig: Sakaki Original Wig / Gradation Colour / DD Size
Body: SeiRei (Asexual) Body / Pureskin / UV Protect / Normal Skintone
angel wings
Status: sold out
Sakaki is the first of Volks' larger, limited tenshi types to be rereleased. It is basically the same as the original Sakaki, except that it comes in UV Protect resin, and its eyes are 18mm instead of 16mm.
Sakaki's SeiRei body looks basically like the SD13 boy body, except that instead of having any genitals, the area between the legs is completely blank. Its legs are the same length as normal SD13 boy legs.
Sakaki has special hands (extra pic) that were only made available with it. Thus far they have not been released with any other doll, nor have they been made available via FCS.
'SeiRei' means 'spirit', as in 'the spirit of the tree'.
Official Links: Listing
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Atziluth Database: Search for Sakaki
Den of Angels:
Sakaki Database Listing
Tenshi Database Listing
Yahoo! Japan Auctions: Search for Sakaki