Shinn and Lin are the spirits of the hair moss that covers the gardens of Sato.
In fact, these two are full of strength, bringing their dewiness to every nook and cranny of the garden until it is full to bursting.
And that's why they're always together.
No matter what the occasion, they're always happily working together.
"But, see, if we should vanish from the garden......"
They think only this, with the sweat beading their brows.
Such cute moss spirits! Please, give welcome to Shinn and Lin.
Name: Lin (����)Released: Dolls Party 17 (4th May, 2007)
Sculpt Design: Zoukeimura
Doll Design: Rumina
Price: 34,000yen (35,700yen with tax)
Eyes: Acrylic Eyes (Chibi Eyes) / GR-08-Violet / 16mm
Makeup: Zoukeimura Airbrush Makeup / UV Coated
Wig: Lin Original Wig / Wine Brown / SD Cute size
Body: YoSD Girl Body / Pureskin / UV Protect / Normal Skintone / KIPS
Outfit: Clothes not included.
Status: sold out
Lin is the same headmold as Shinn.
Official Links: Listing
Dolpa 17 Site Listing Profile
Resinality: YoSD Take Over!
Atziluth Database: Search for Lin
Den of Angels: YoSD Database Listing
Yahoo! Japan Auctions: Search for Lin