Where Angels Lie

Rengemaru Sweet Dream

Name: Rengemaru Sweet Dream (蓮花丸 スウィートドリーム)
Released: Hometown Dolpa Nagoya 2 (21st August, 2005)
Sculpt Design: Zoukeimura
Doll Design: Saifa
Price: 33,000yen (34,650yen with tax)
Eyes: Acrylic Eyes / Cobalt / 16mm
Makeup: Zoukeimura Airbrush Makeup
Wig: W-55-C / Boy's Short / Dark Brown
Body: YoSD Boy Body / Pureskin / Normal Skintone
Outfit: Clothes not included.

Status: sold out

Rengemaru Sweet Dream is the same headmold as Suzuna Sweet Dream.

Official Links: 

Volks.co.jp Listing
Superdollfie.net Profile

Resinality: YoSD Take Over!
Atziluth Database: Search for Rengemaru
Den of Angels: YoSD Database Listing

Yahoo! Japan Auctions: Search for Rengemaru Sweet Dream

"Shh! Don't wake them up"

Yes, they just went to sleep.
In their dream, they might be playing at alpine meadow together.

Suzuna and Rangemaru are always together.