Head Molds
Note: Any head mold can be ordered with any type of body. There is no restriction on only choosing 'boy' heads with boy bodies or vice versa. If you want a Syo SD girl, or a Nono SD13 boy, you are welcome to do so! However, be aware that some of the larger boy heads can look awkward on the thinner girl necks, and some of the smaller girl heads can look awkward on the thicker boy necks. And this can be a matter of taste, as it bothers some but not others. If you are unsure, ask around for example pictures before ordering.
You can also find lots of blank headmold pictures at the BJD Head Index and a list of site links by headmold type at the Headsculpt Photo Index.
Please Note: Some of the headmold pictures may have been slightly modified, ie cheeks, nose or lips sanded, eyeholes widened, etc. I have tried to included mostly unmodified heads, but some are so subtle I can't be sure. Please keep this in mind when looking, and if you know a head has been modified, please let me know.
Please click on the individual head mold thumbnails to see lots of example pictures.