About the Pics/Submissions Info
Headmold, wig, eye, eyelash, makeup, and body part pics on this site are taken from various sources, including Volks' official websites, Yahoo! Japan Auctions, and contributions from owners.
In order to further information about Volks' FCS and help make decisions easier for future orderers of FCS, picture contributions are very appreciated!
If you have a picture to submit, please email it to seraphim@angelden.net. However, please try to keep individual picture sizes under 500kb.
Headmold Pics
Pictures of heads with or without wigs are appreciated, and from front and side angles. Pics with or without makeup are both fine. Pics are preferred in natural lighting if possible, and with a pale or unobtrusive background.
Wig Pics
Pictures of wigs on dolls are appreciated, particularly in FCS-only styles and colours. Front, back and side angle pics are all appreciated. Pics are preferred in natural lighting if possible, and with a background that allows the wig colour to be clearly seen. (Ie a black wig against a black background is not very helpful!)
Eye Pics
Eyes are notoriously hard to photograph true to their colour and I would love to gather as many pics as possible of the Zoukeimura eyes. All pictures are appreciated! Out of doll pics are preferred without flash, on a white or very pale background. In doll pics are preferred without flash, in daylight or a natural light setting.
Eyelash Pics
Pictures of eyelashes both in and out of dolls are appreciated. Out of dolls pics are preferred without flash, on a white or very pale background. In doll pics are preferred without flash, in daylight or a natural light setting. If possible, an angle where the colour of the lashes is clearly apparent is appreciated.
Makeup Pics
Pics of M-04 styles are all very appreciated. If you submit M-04 pics, you are welcome to also submit a short summary of what you asked Volks to do, either the overall image/style of your doll, or the specifications you requested. Pictures with or without wigs are appreciated. Pics are preferred in natural lighting if possible, and with a pale or unobtrusive background.
Body Parts Pics
(This includes torso, arm, hand, leg and feet pics.)
Pictures of all body parts are appreciated, particularly hands. All pictures are preferred to be of the doll in the nude. All pictures are preferred against a white or pale background, and in natural lighting if possible. Comparison pics (for example, between different arm and leg lengths, or different bust sizes of torso) are also very appreciated.