Other Things To Be Aware Of
Just a few extra things you may want to keep in mind when considering your FCS!
The current wait time for Japan FCS (October 2009) is said by Volks to be roughly 1 month for "no makeup" FCS, and 2 months for "order makeup" FCS. For the LA store, It is said to be roughly 3 months. Please keep this in mind if you want your doll to be ready in time for a specific occasion, and make sure to order with enough wait time available.
As of the Sep/Oct/Nov 2008 FCS Renewal, all FCS (Sumika and Sato) now come with KIPS inserted as a standard option, without added cost. For normal skintone SD, the KIPS will be normal skintone coloured, for white skintone SD, the KIPS will be white skintone coloured, and for sunlight skintone SD, the KIPS will be clear. The places the KIPS are inserted depends on the size of the doll. For MSD KIPS will be inserted in the neck and shoulders, for SD boy/girl and SD13 girl KIPS will be inserted in the neck, shoulders and elbows, and for SD13 boy KIPS will be inserted in the neck, shoulders, elbows and wrists.
As of September, 2006, all FCS (both Sato and Sumika) are now made in Pureskin UV Protect, Volks' latest type of Pureskin resin which is more resistant to yellowing caused by sun exposure. This resin is said by some to be very slightly paler than the normal Pureskin resin used before this. (Although this appears to be a matter of speculation; some can see the difference, while others cannot.) You may want to keep this in mind when considering matching older FCS parts with newer FCS parts, or when considering buying the optional parts that Volks sells seperately for your doll, as off-the-shelf optional parts are not yet available in UV Protect.
As of the Sep/Oct/Nov 2009 FCS Renewal, it is now possible to order an additional two wigs, and an additional two pairs of hands, feet, and ears with each FCS ordered, making for a total of 3 each. Note that wigs can only be ordered in the same size being ordered, hands, feet and ears can only be ordered in the same size and skintone being ordered, and ears can only be ordered with 'fairy' head molds. It is not possible to order additional eyes with your FCS.
You cannot ask for parts to be left out of the FCS, such as eyes or wig, in order to make your FCS cheaper. If you do not want the wig and eyes for your doll, order FCS-only parts and sell them on the secondhand market to recoup some of your cost, or allow a friend to order a wig or eyes that they would like to get.
You cannot ask for Volks to modify the headmold or any other parts of the body. They will not sand down cheeks or lips, or open closed eyes, or anything of this nature. They will also not modify body parts, nor will they do body blushing. If you wish these sorts of things to be done, you will have to ask a customiser to do them after you receive your doll.
You cannot ask for parts from different FCS types in the same order; for example, you cannot get a SD boy with SD13 boy hands or feet. You can still do this in your own time if you wish, but you will have to buy the extra parts and exchange them afterwards. In the same vein, you cannot order a different sized wig than the type of doll you're ordering; for example, you cannot order a MSD with a SD wig.
We try to keep this site as up-to-date as possible, but please doublecheck all parts with your shopping service or at Volks yourself before placing your order based on this site.