The Fukuoka Sumika was my local Sumika when I was in Japan and thankfully it was a very nice store with very friendly staff. When I
was there in 2008 they had one girl that had near fluent English which can be a real plus if you have any questions. While not as big as some of the Tokyo stores, it does serve the whole Kyushu area so they do seem fairly well stocked. About half of the sumika is the showroom part with figures, painting supplies, and a small section of cabinets for people to sell their goods in. The Sumika part itself is well decorated with really nice displays done by the clerks, a standard selection of outfits, and the FCS parts are all on display next to the cash register area. They don't have nearly the amount of second hand goods that the Osaka and Tokyo stores have to offer, but it's still worth a trip if you're in the area. Also, the Mandarake down the street does have a small section for dolls and doll clothes worth
checking out.
How to get there:
First to start, when you arrive at Hakata station go out the main entrance and go to the subway and get on the Kuko (brown) line and the
third stop will be Tenjin. When you exit into Tenjin you'll be in the underground shopping area. Go up the staircase above to orient
yourself and see if you can spot the orange Daei sign because that's your destination. If you exit right near the Kuko station exits, it
should look like this (the red arrows indicate the Daei building that Volks is in):

Right around the corner is this post office so if you see it as you're walking, you're going in the right direction:

This is the front of the Daei Shoppers building:

The Volks store is on the 7th floor!