Tenshi no Sato is Volks' special location devoted to Super Dollfie. It's an absolute delight to visit, and for many fans visiting Sato is the ultimate SD experience in Japan. As well as a large building that houses a store and FCS counter (with special Sato-only options), a photo space area, a cafe, a museum of all Volks SD ever released, a special One-Off room, and an observatory, there is also an absolutely gorgeous traditional Japanese garden in which you can wander, relax, and take many beautiful pictures of your SD. There's even a Beauty Salon out the back where the Doll Doctors will be happy to help with any problems you have with your SD.
Tenshi no Sato is free of charge for anyone to visit, however visiting requires a reservation. You can do so via the Volks website. (You will need to register for the site first.) When you visit, bring a printout of your reservation confirmation email, along with some photo ID. (Your passport is best.)
Also please note that ordering FCS requires a Japanese shipping address. Tenshi no Sato, like all other Volks stores, cannot ship your FCS overseas.
How to get there:
The best way to get to Sato is by catching the JR Sagano line to Saga-Arashiyama. You can catch this train from the main JR Kyoto station at platforms 32 and 33. The 'Local' and 'Rapid' trains both stop at Saga-Arashiyama. However the 'Limited Express' does not, and also costs more money. Make sure you get on a 'Rapid' if possible, or else a 'Local'.
Note: If you are on or near the Hankyu train line in Kyoto, or staying anywhere near the Hankyu Omiya or Hankyu Saiin train stations, it's probably quicker to catch the Randen there. The Randen is a special tram line that runs out to the Arashiyama area, and is quite fun to catch, so is worth it just for the experience. If you are catching the Randen please see this page for a few extra instructions on how to get to Sato. (The Randen stop is just down the street from the JR station. ^^)
The JR Saga-Arashiyama train station has only one set of ticket gates to go out of, so follow everyone else until you get out of them. Once there, you're looking to go to your right, to the North Gate:

So head that way, and then walk down the stairs:

When you get to the bottom of the stairs, look to your right and you will see a taxi rank:

Follow the footpath that you can see here (with the yellow line through the middle of it) around to the left, past the vending machine, keeping the taxi rank on your right. When you turn the corner, it will look like this:

See that big fence with the trees sticking over it directly ahead of you? See the sign on the fence? This is what it looks like:

The sign says "Tenshi no Sato Kachu-an". Yes, Sato really is that close to the station! ^_^ (Just ignore the bags of rubbish, sorry! I went on a Monday, you won't normally see that.) Unfortunately, you're at the back corner of it; the entrance is at the opposite side. So head towards that sign, and look down the road to the right:

Just keep following this road, keeping the Sato fence on your left. Occasionally cars come down here, so watch the road, but you should be fine. Eventually you will reach the far corner, with another little sign directing you:

As the sign directs, turn the corner and go up this little pathway:

And it's paved at last, yay! It used to be mud. ^^; Anyway, follow this pathway all the way up, and soon you will come to:

The entrance to Tenshi no Sato! Follow the path straight through the main gates and into the main building, and sign up at the reception desk... and you're there! Have a wonderful SD day! ^o^