How to get to the Volks showroom in Nagoya:
1. Go to Kamimaezu station (on the Tsurumai-sen (blue) and the Meijo-sen (purple)) and take exit 10. You'll see this road. Head in the direction of Sakae, or straight out the road the exit comes out on.

2. The Volks showroom is on the second floor of the Tokei Building, with a Megane Suupaa (eyeglass store) on the first floor. It's a good 5-10 minute walk from the station. Here's the outside (note the dolls in the second floor window, and keep in mind that I shot this from on the curb and you can't really see the dolls from the sidewalk):

3. To get to the stairs, go in the door to the right of the glasses store (under the grey overhang in pic #2).

4. Here's the stairs inside:

There's a model-type store on the second floor along with Volks, and you can't miss the entrance since it's the only thing up there.