How to get there:
This guide is for if you are catching the Randen tram. (^^) You can get on anywhere, but the most convenient stops are Shijo Omiya and Sai, both of which are near Hankyu train stations. You can get on the Randen at Shijo Omiya (the terminus) which is across the road from the Hankyu Omiya train station, or from the Sai station, which is down the road from the Hankyu Saiin station. (Ask the station attendant to direct you if you're lost, but you basically cross the road to the Lawsons convenience store and keep walking straight for about 200 metres.) Note that you pay when you get off the Randen, not on! Follow what everyone else does. ^^ (It's 200yen no matter how far you go.)
You will get off the Randen at Randen-Saga, station A13. The announcements are all done in English as well as Japanese, so just listen for them to announce the station. Press one of the stop buttons (they're fairly obvious, and you will see other people pressing them) when you hear Randen-Saga announced, and head down to the front of the Randen. When it stops, drop 200yen in the box in front of the guard and get off. You'll be here:

Follow everyone else off the platform to your right:

And then face right, and cross the Randen tracks:

After that, just keep heading straight up the road. Although it curves around the corner a little, there's only one main road, so keep following it straight, like so:

Soon you will see a Lawsons (yes, they're everywhere) where you can stop if you need refreshments, or new camera batteries:

Keep going straight, past the Lawsons, and you will see the JR building up ahead:

This is where you're going, because it's the most direct way to cross the train tracks, so head on over and take the escalator up:

And you're now at the JR Saga-Arashiyama station:

You can now follow the main guide to Tenshi no Sato to find the rest of your way there. ^o^